Our collective has always shown a strong commitment to providing world-class tourism experiences in a sustainable and responsible manner. To further manifest the true commitment and greater vision, we have asked all our accommodation and activities suppliers to adopt and follow our 4 pillars of sustainable and responsible tourism.
Time to say „Thank You“

The members of Cape Country Routes, a group of owner-managed accommodation and activity providers situated along the most scenic routes South Africa’s Cape regions have to offer, wish to use this time of year to say…THANK YOU!
2021 has been another challenging rollercoaster ride for everyone. It’s been a year marked by constantly changing travel regulations and lockdown levels, ongoing uncertainty and eager attempts to adapt to what is required to survive the tourism crisis.
This year also showed once again that the tourism industry is blessed by having individuals who are tremendously passionate about creating, selling and facilitating those dream vacations which are currently much needed by so many around the world, in order to recharge and keep a positive outlook on life.
The members of Cape Country Routes, a group of owner-managed accommodation and activity providers situated along the most scenic routes South Africa’s Cape regions have to offer, wish to use this time of year to say...
… to all the guests who visited this year and supported our establishments – both local and international – travellers who shared their stories, their laughter, and motivated our staff with their eagerness to travel and explore.
…to all our tourism trade partners who have shown their commitment to tourism recovery once more, by reacting swiftly and professionally to the latest regulations, trying to prevent booking cancellations, re-ensuring confidence in travel, rebooking travel itineraries for the 3rd or 4th time and most importantly, for continuing to share the passion for travel to South Africa with their customers.
…to all our staff members at the various Cape Country Routes member establishments who have made it their priority to create a safe environment for our guests, adhering to all the necessary protocols, while ensuring that every traveller leaves with truly unforgettable memories.
Let’s use this festive season to give those travellers who are allowed to travel and are determined to do so, the holiday of a life time showcasing our warm South African hospitality, emphasizing our efforts for sustainable tourism and demonstrating our capabilities to professionally handle safe travel during a pandemic.
Let’s also use this festive season to reflect and be supportive and kind to each other. Let’s be humble and make an effort to piggyback those friends and partners to the finish line who do not have the strength to make it on their own.
May 2022 bring travel and tourism the much needed and well deserved relief.
Further Reading
South Africa’s 2023 Cape winter season was marked by above-normal rainfall for most parts of the province - the fruits of this can be seen in the earlier than normal flower season blossoming more each day. With spring almost around the corner, one can sense the excitement for the upcoming change of season and the many months of sunshine that await.
„What does the clue say? Where are we going?” That’s how our Cape Country Routes Amazing Race kicked off… 4 teams of travel agents from around the world were invited to discover our scenic Routes - West Coast-, Wine-, Whale and R62 - and experience our hidden gems in a fun way road-tripping in Jimny 4x4’s. It was an opportunity to shift perspective and find new, exciting travel experiences for their clients.
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